The Battle of Assandun 1016


The Battle of Assandun took place on 18th October 1016 in Essex. The Danish army under Cnut defeated the English army under Edmund Ironside, ultimately resulting in Cnut becoming King of England.


The impact of the battle was much greater than just a change in ruling house, the conclusion of the Danish Conquest of England. This battle, the events leading up to it, and its consequences set the scene for what would happen 50 years later at Hastings, and the Norman Conquest of England. However, little is known about the actual battle, its location is disputed (the two main contending areas are Ashdon/Hadstock in north-west Essex and Ashingdon/Canewdon in south-east Essex), and most people in England have never even heard of it.


Our project is aiming to change all of that. It will consolidate and build on the existing knowledge of the battle, carry out appropriate archaeological investigations (where possible), and publicise widely any findings and information about the battle.